We are open for public services and liturgies, and will continue to broadcast the Mass online via Facebook. Stay up to date by visiting our homepage, our Facebook page or joining our email list.
Update – 9/16/20
View the latest Holy Synod Schedule here: Virtual ECC 2020 Synod Schedule (PDF)
A message from Fr. Arturo…
Subject: The role of the Delegates and Observers at our National Convocation of the Ecumenical Catholic Church (ECC). This “coming together” is officially called The Holy Synod. A brief history is described below. View more information about this year’s Holy Synod here.
After several contacts, dialogue and preparations, in the Springtime of 2003, Saint Matthew Church of Orange, CA was the meeting point of the very First Convocation of 13 different Independent Catholic Communities from all over the country who wanted to come together to form a single National Independent Catholic Religious Organization under the leadership of Bishop Peter Hickman. The First Convocation was held at Double Tree Hotel, Santa Ana – Orange County Airport.
In 2003 when I met with the first Delegates, I shared space with leadership representation of each participating church as an “observer” and invited guest of Bishop Peter. I met with parish council members, pastors/representatives and their significant others, and interested individuals with their available family, who were curious to find out more about what this “coming together and all are welcome” was all about.
After the Second “Convocation” in Las Cruces, New Mexico in 2005, I was already a “Delegate” to the House of Clergy, representing the Spanish Community and as an Associate Pastor to Bishop Peter at Saint Matthew Church in Orange, CA. The participants learned the importance of having official Delegates representing the voices of the clergy and the laity to accomplish the following: (1) establish some order for operational efforts, (2) facilitate agreements and (3) finalize decisions during the meetings in the Plenary Sessions. In addition, each session’s time frame was split up, to provide opportunities to address both (1) laity concerns and (2) clergy concerns. Thus, we established “The House of Laity” and “The House of Clergy.”
Fast forward 2020. It has been customary to hold the Synod every two years, except after the third Synod at St. Pete Beach, Florida. Instead, a Pastor’s Retreat took place in St Louis, MO, which made it a challenge to allow for more preparation from leadership, resulting in the skipped Synod. We still have the same variety of participants every time, just as the First Convocation of 2003 presented. Delegates, Observers, and invited guests eagerly attend. And, as it has been, to keep the Synod discussions in order, everybody is given a voice, but only official Delegates can vote when it comes to decisions and agreements in each of the Houses.
There is a process of preparation for the Delegates to study and find out what are they voting on at the Synod, including what is on the table for discussion, what are the proposals and what is expected overall. Delegates from Saint Matthew have separate preparatory meetings before going to and attending each Synod. Our representatives of Saint Matthew engage in these meetings before and during each Synod, which spearheads the preparations for the entire California Group (now diocese), allowing us to have a more cohesive stand in front of the National Organization Representatives, the ECC.
I hope this succinct background narrative inspires interest from our community of Saint Matthew, to take into consideration the National Organization, the ECC, which our beloved Bishop Peter founded. He firmly believes that as a church we exist for something greater than ourselves, and the ECC with its inclusivity message is His greatest gift to the Catholic Church.
Fr. Arturo
Upcoming Events
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Youth Education
Fri21Feb6:30 pmDivine Mercy Chaplet6:30 pm
(Friday) 6:30 pm
Saint Matthew Church Chapel
The Divine Mercy Chaplet will be taught and prayed every 3rd Friday of the month at 6:30 pm in the church chapel. Potluck and fellowship to follow.
The Divine Mercy Chaplet will be taught and prayed every 3rd Friday of the month at 6:30 pm in the church chapel.
Potluck and fellowship to follow.
Sun23FebAll Day2025 New Year Resolution Drawing(All Day: Sunday)
All Day (Sunday)
Join in our 2025 New Year Resolution Raffle for the chance to win! We will be selling 100 tickets at $50.00 each. These drawings will be held the last Sunday
Join in our 2025 New Year Resolution Raffle for the chance to win! We will be selling 100 tickets at $50.00 each. These drawings will be held the last Sunday of each month. The first drawing will be on Sunday, January 26, 2025 and the final drawing will be on December 28, 2025. Each winner’s ticket will be re-entered for subsequent monthly drawings.
All winners will be announced after the 9:30 am mass.
Please remember that each winner’s ticket with be re-entered for subsequent months’ drawings. This means there will be multiple chances to win $100!
Event Coordinator: Jennie Guida
How to purchase tickets
Winners will be listed here!
January: TBA
February: TBA
March: TBA
April: TBA
May: TBA
June: TBA
July: TBA
August: TBA
September: TBA
October: TBA
November: TBA
December: TBA
All Day (Sunday)
Attend Mass in Person (inside the church) English and Spanish Join us at 9:30 a.m. (English) and 12:30 p.m. (Spanish). On every 5th Sunday (for months that have 5 Sundays) we
Join us at 9:30 a.m. (English) and 12:30 p.m. (Spanish). On every 5th Sunday (for months that have 5 Sundays) we also have Unity Sunday at 10:30 PT (Multilingual) outside the church.
Please remember:
Click on the link below at 9:30 am PT (English) or 12:30 pm PT (Spanish). Please note that you may need to refresh the page to see the live video. On every 5th Sunday we have Unity Sunday at 10:30 PT (Multilingual).
Click here to join the service on Facebook Live
Click here to access the Liturgical Aids (scroll down to “Liturgical Aids for Online Mass”)
Recordings will be available on Facebook after the scheduled Mass times on our Videos page.
We will try our best to also have the recording available on our website for this Sunday (later in the day), but as we are still a little new to Zoom, we appreciate your patience with us. We definitely plan to post our recordings on our website, but this may take a bit of time to accomplish. Please continue to check out the website periodically for updates. Thank you!
Wed26Feb6:00 pmEVOLUTION OF THE WORDEvolution of the Word6:00 pm
(Wednesday) 6:00 pm
House of Ruth and Junia (in person and online)
618 West Grafton Place
EVOLUTION OF THE WORD Bible Study: A Winter Quarter Study, Weekly on Wednesday. First Session, January 8 – Last session March
Bible Study: A Winter Quarter Study, Weekly on Wednesday.
First Session, January 8 – Last session March 26- 2025
The New Testament in the Order the Books Were Written.
This chronological New Testament is the same as and yet different from the canonical New Testament.
It contains the same twenty-seven documents, but it puts them in the order in which they were written. Dive-in in this study ” The Evolution of the Word”
Bible Teacher: Reverend Martha Rogers
Address: House of Ruth and Junia
618 West Grafton Place
Anaheim 92805 California
Zoom and in person: Dinner at 6pm, Study at 7pm, in person or by zoom.
View the Bible Study Flyer (PDF)
Sun02Mar8:30 amPriests Available to Hear Confessions8:30 am
(Sunday) 8:30 am
Saint Matthew Ecumenical Catholic Church (Chapel)
1111 W. Town and Country Rd, Unit 14
On the first Sunday of every month we will have 1-2 priests available to hear confessions from 8:30 am until Mass begins at 9:30 am. We will also have confessors
Tue04Mar7:00 pmHealing Service7:00 pm
(Tuesday) 7:00 pm
Saint Matthew Church Chapel
The Healing Service occurs every first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm PT in the church chapel. All are Welcome!
The Healing Service occurs every first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm PT in the church chapel.
All are Welcome!
Fri07Mar6:00 pmSacred Heart of Jesus Novena MassEvery first Friday of the month at 6:00 pm PT6:00 pm
(Friday) 6:00 pm
Saint Matthew Church Chapel
The Sacred Heart of Jesus Novena Mass occurs every first Friday of the month at 6:00 pm in the church chapel. Refreshments and fellowship to follow.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus Novena Mass occurs every first Friday of the month at 6:00 pm in the church chapel.
Refreshments and fellowship to follow.
Tue11Mar6:30 pmParish Council Meeting2nd Tue. of each month6:30 pm
(Tuesday) 6:30 pm
Saint Matthew Ecumenical Catholic Church (Parish Hall)
1111 W. Town and Country Rd, Unit 14
Learn more about the Parish Council here. All are welcome to attend the open session (first part) of any Parish Council meeting. During the Covid-19 crisis, Parish Council meetings are being conducted via Zoom
Learn more about the Parish Council here.
All are welcome to attend the open session (first part) of any Parish Council meeting.
During the Covid-19 crisis, Parish Council meetings are being conducted via Zoom at with the details below. Please email Parish Council Moderator Bob Moranno at bobsmpcc2020m@gmail.com to be given access to the meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89096114385?pwd=MWFkd2dmT0tBOTQxRTBiMkdSY2Z2Zz09
Meeting ID: 890 9611 4385
Password: 943986