We are open for public services and liturgies, and will continue to broadcast the Mass online via Facebook. Stay up to date by visiting our homepage, our Facebook page or joining our email list.
Nota: Si prefiere entregar personalmente o enviar su formulario por correo, imprima y complete la versión PDF de este formulario: Formulario de compromiso 2024 (PDF) – Regrese a Saint Matt’s en persona o por correo – incluya “ATTN : Mirella “junto con nuestra dirección si se envía por correo.
Upcoming Events
Event Type
Children’s Education
Spiritual Growth
Youth Education
All Day (Sunday)
Attend Mass in Person (inside the church) English and Spanish Join us at 9:30 a.m. (English) and 12:30 p.m. (Spanish). On every 5th Sunday (for months that have 5 Sundays) we
Join us at 9:30 a.m. (English) and 12:30 p.m. (Spanish). On every 5th Sunday (for months that have 5 Sundays) we also have Unity Sunday at 10:30 PT (Multilingual) outside the church.
Please remember:
Click on the link below at 9:30 am PT (English) or 12:30 pm PT (Spanish). Please note that you may need to refresh the page to see the live video. On every 5th Sunday we have Unity Sunday at 10:30 PT (Multilingual).
Click here to join the service on Facebook Live
Click here to access the Liturgical Aids (scroll down to “Liturgical Aids for Online Mass”)
Recordings will be available on Facebook after the scheduled Mass times on our Videos page.
We will try our best to also have the recording available on our website for this Sunday (later in the day), but as we are still a little new to Zoom, we appreciate your patience with us. We definitely plan to post our recordings on our website, but this may take a bit of time to accomplish. Please continue to check out the website periodically for updates. Thank you!
(Wednesday) 6:00 pm
House of Ruth and Junia
618 West Grafton Place
Bible Study for 2023 | Wednesdays from 6 to 8 PM | 1/25/23 through 12/20/23 (and beyond) And God Said What? Surveying the Entire Bible Come join our learning community on Wednesdays! Location:
Come join our learning community on Wednesdays!
Location: “House of Ruth and Junia” – 618 West Grafton Place, Anaheim, CA 92805
Time: Dinner at 6 PM / Seminar from 7 to 8 PM in person or by Zoom
Once available, any recordings and handouts will be found on our Bible Study Media page.
This is an audacious aspiration for studying scripture together! This topic was requested and enthusiastically endorsed by our last study group which ended in November, 2022. They said to us that people who were raised as Roman Catholics, in particular, had been discouraged from studying scripture in their formative years. They are hungry to know more. We expect this study to go on for all of 2023 and probably beyond.
Our title derives from an older classic and well-received book by Catholic scholar, Margaret Nutting Ralph [1986, 2003 revised]: And God Said What? Her book can be purchased used for as little as $5 on Amazon, new for $12, and is also available by Kindle for $18. We have a few copies on hand for loaning. We strongly recommend reading Dr. Ralph’s book as a very useful introduction, but we will not be following her outline. We will provide handouts and other important materials from scholarly, Jewish, and Christian perspectives. We will also recommend movies that provide artistic and dramatic interpretation of biblical events, and will host some of these at House of Ruth and Junia; they can be attended along with or apart from the ongoing biblical studies. Or they are available and viewed from home.
Our format will be the same as we have done before. On Wednesday evenings, if you are local and able to travel, we invite you for a simple dinner at House of Ruth and Junia from 6-7 PM. Then we will convene in our gathering place in a big screen arrangement, where those physically present will join those who attend by zoom. This has been very successful and has even included non-ECC participants and attendees from other states. We realize that 7 PM PT may be too late for the majority of ECC members on the east coast or too early for those in Europe, so the sessions will be video recorded and made available for everyone to enjoy. Thus, ‘make-up’ sessions will be available if you miss one, or if you jump into the study at any later point in time, you can go back.
Some sessions may not be held physically at House of Ruth and Junia and may be zoomed when Jetty and Martha are away from the local area. For those sessions, obviously there will be no dinner and we will let participants know in advance when this is occurring. We might meet by zoom from Big Bear or even from Sint-Niklaas in Belgium! We have developed a tentative schedule covering all of 2023, subject to change, avoiding major holidays when folks are gathering in their families and their own local communities. We will make the schedule available to all attendees.
The first two sessions [1/25/23, 2/1/23] will employ an overview, with the second two sessions [2/8/23, 2/15/23] showing films (see below for more information), and people can visit or view them at home. We hope to roughly cover books of the Bible in something resembling chronological order.
Rev. Martha Rogers: 714-606-4365, rogersmartha@sbcglobal.net
Rev. Jetty Van den Berghe: 714-343-8274, pastorjettyvandenberghe@gmail.com
1. Get on 5 North to Lincoln Avenue [approximately 5 miles].
2. Get off at Lincoln and turn right. Go to Citron [3rd light].
3. Turn left on Citron. Cross over Citron and North, then make an immediate Right on to Grafton Place. 618 West Grafton Place, Anaheim 92805.
You are invited to a simple dinner and movie at House of Ruth and Junia! This invite is for anyone age 12+, young and old, within commuting distance of Anaheim! If you need transportation, let us know!
The Bible is the most widely read book in the history of the world. But does anyone know who really wrote it? What are the facts behind the creation of this immortal manuscript? New scientific research and theological insight may provide new clues. What can the Dead Sea Scrolls tell us about the origins of the Bible? Discover how modern technology may finally unravel this age-old mystery.
Please RSVP by Wednesday morning – call or text to 714-606-4365. Leave your name and how many coming with you.
This film is an introductory part of our 2023 Bible Study Series, And God Said What? Surveying the Entire Bible. Please feel free to come even if you don’t plan to be a ‘regular’ at the Bible Study!
You are invited to a simple dinner and movie at House of Ruth and Junia! This invite is for anyone age 12+, young and old, within commuting distance of Anaheim! If you need transportation, let us know!
The film this evening is Discovering the Bible, a BBC production. It will serve as an introduction to the incredible story of where the Bible actually came from and how it was passed down to us.
This film is an introductory part of our 2023 Bible Study Series, And God Said What? Surveying the Entire Bible. Please feel free to come even if you don’t plan to be a ‘regular’ at the Bible Study!
Please RSVP by Wednesday morning – call or text to 714-606-4365. Leave your name and how many coming with you.
Fri20Sep6:30 pmDivine Mercy Chaplet6:30 pm
(Friday) 6:30 pm
Saint Matthew Church Chapel
The Divine Mercy Chaplet will be taught and prayed every 3rd Friday of the month at 6:30 pm in the church chapel. Potluck and fellowship to follow.
The Divine Mercy Chaplet will be taught and prayed every 3rd Friday of the month at 6:30 pm in the church chapel.
Potluck and fellowship to follow.
Sat21Sep9:00 amCoastal Clean-Up Sat., Sept. 219:00 am
(Saturday) 9:00 am
Hart Park
701 S Glassell St, Orange, CA 92866
Please join St. Matthew’s Environmental Stewardship Ministry and other neighbors in Orange for this event to prevent inland pollution from reaching our waterways and ocean. We’ll meet at Hart Park
Please join St. Matthew’s Environmental Stewardship Ministry and other neighbors in Orange for this event to prevent inland pollution from reaching our waterways and ocean. We’ll meet at Hart Park in Orange at 9 AM. (Enter and park at La Veta & Schaeffer.) Gloves and bags will be provided.
Sun29SepAll DayYour "Lucky Time"(All Day: Sunday)
All Day (Sunday)
We will be selling 100 tickets at $50 each. This will start in December 2023, and everyone who purchases a ticket will be entered into a monthly drawing for $100.00.
We will be selling 100 tickets at $50 each. This will start in December 2023, and everyone who purchases a ticket will be entered into a monthly drawing for $100.00. All drawings will be held on the last Sunday of each month, for 12 consecutive months starting on Sunday, January 28, 2024.
Please note: Each winner’s ticket will be re-entered for subsequent month’s drawings. So there are multiple chances to win the $100.00.
How to Enter:
Remember–only 100 tickets will be sold, so HURRY!
Tue01Oct7:00 pmHealing Service7:00 pm
(Tuesday) 7:00 pm
Saint Matthew Church Chapel
The Healing Service occurs every first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm PT in the church chapel. All are Welcome!
The Healing Service occurs every first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm PT in the church chapel.
All are Welcome!
Wed02Oct12:00 am2024 "Your Lucky Time" Raffle12:00 am
(Wednesday) 12:00 am
Saint Matthew Ecumenical Catholic Church (Sanctuary)
1111 W. Town and Country Rd, Unit 14
Update (3/4/2024): All tickets have been sold! Thank you for your support, everyone! ____ Join in our “Your Lucky Time” Raffle for the chance to win! We will be selling 100 tickets
Update (3/4/2024): All tickets have been sold! Thank you for your support, everyone!
Join in our “Your Lucky Time” Raffle for the chance to win! We will be selling 100 tickets at $50.00 each. The first drawing will be on Sunday, January 28, 2024. Each winner’s ticket will be re-entered for subsequent months’ drawings.
All drawings will be held on the last Sunday of each month.
All winners will be announced after the 9:30 am mass.
Please remember that each winner’s ticket with be re-entered for subsequent months’ drawings. This means there will be multiple chances to win $100!
January: Norma L.’s son
February: Sharon S.
March: Mary Kay A.
April: Mary S.
May: Béa T.
June: Veronica H.
July: Mary Lou M.
August: Norma L.’s son
September: TBA
October: TBA
November: TBA
December: TBA
Jennie GuidaSaintMatthew.Connect@gmail.com
Fri04Oct6:00 pmSacred Heart of Jesus Novena MassEvery first Friday of the month at 6:00 pm PT6:00 pm
(Friday) 6:00 pm
Saint Matthew Church Chapel
The Sacred Heart of Jesus Novena Mass occurs every first Friday of the month at 6:00 pm in the church chapel. Refreshments and fellowship to follow.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus Novena Mass occurs every first Friday of the month at 6:00 pm in the church chapel.
Refreshments and fellowship to follow.
Sun06Oct8:30 amPriests Available to Hear Confessions8:30 am
(Sunday) 8:30 am
Saint Matthew Ecumenical Catholic Church (Chapel)
1111 W. Town and Country Rd, Unit 14
On the first Sunday of every month we will have 1-2 priests available to hear confessions from 8:30 am until Mass begins at 9:30 am. We will also have confessors
Tue08Oct6:30 pmParish Council Meeting2nd Tue. of each month6:30 pm
(Tuesday) 6:30 pm
Saint Matthew Ecumenical Catholic Church (Parish Hall)
1111 W. Town and Country Rd, Unit 14
Learn more about the Parish Council here. All are welcome to attend the open session (first part) of any Parish Council meeting. During the Covid-19 crisis, Parish Council meetings are being conducted via Zoom
Learn more about the Parish Council here.
All are welcome to attend the open session (first part) of any Parish Council meeting.
During the Covid-19 crisis, Parish Council meetings are being conducted via Zoom at with the details below. Please email Parish Council Moderator Bob Moranno at bobsmpcc2020m@gmail.com to be given access to the meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89096114385?pwd=MWFkd2dmT0tBOTQxRTBiMkdSY2Z2Zz09
Meeting ID: 890 9611 4385
Password: 943986