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Frequently asked questions about Saint Matthew's

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First time here? People find Saint Matthew Church from all walks of life. We are an Ecclesial Communion called ” The Servants of the Good Shepherd” It’s an eclectic community and so our little church is described differently depending upon the journey people are on when they find us. Generally people that find us come from three general directions, although your journey may be different, we invite you to begin your exploration of our site by clicking on one of the following questions. Enjoy. And if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

I was raised Catholic but I’ve been separated from the Church. What is this place? I’m Christian but seeking more. What does “catholic” have to offer? I’m not a church goer. I am spiritual, but not religious. What do you think of that?

Yes, I was raised Catholic. What is this place?

Saint Matthews is an authentic Catholic Church, but we are independent of Rome. What that means is that we are free of the mandates of the Roman Catholic Church yet we are steeped in the liturgy, history and traditions you are familiar with.

We are an Ecumenical Catholic Church. “Ecumenical” basically means “we are an inclusive church.”

We celebrate all the sacraments you are familiar with, from Baptism to the Mass to Confirmation and so on. We believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharistic Feast.

We venerate Mary and Saints. We affirm Apostolic Succession.

We do not affirm the infallibility of the Pope.  We trace our modern roots to the emergence of the “Old Catholic” movement which began in 1870 as a response to the first Vatican Council’s pronouncement of Papal Infallibility and the primacy of papal jurisdiction.

When we say “all are welcome” we mean the priests as well. We affirm a genuine call to priesthood that includes not only single men but women and men with spouses and families (married priests) and those of the LGBT community.

We believe the sacrament of communion is not earned,  but a free gift; Christ calls all of us into relationship with him. “All of us” includes the divorced, the remarried, those discovering or affirming nontraditional gender identities, and people that just no longer feel comfortable with the Roman Catholic Church on certain social issues.

That’s it in a nutshell. You need to experience Saint Matthew to understand.  But you may want more information, if so we urge you to read What is the ECC?

Yes, I’m Christian but not Catholic. Why would I be interested in anything “catholic”?

While Saint Matthews is an authentic Catholic Church, we are independent of Rome. What that means is that we are free of the mandates of the Roman Catholic Church yet we are steeped in the liturgy, history and traditions that make historic Catholicism so spiritually enriching.

We are called the Ecumenical Catholic Church. “Ecumenical” basically means “all are welcome” and that includes our brothers and sisters from one of the many Protestant Churches.  We believe in the real presence of Christ in communion and you are invited to join us on your very first visit. We practice open communion.

Many of our most on-fire members at St. Matt’s are former non-Catholic Christians that were seeking a more sacramental and liturgical worship experience. Catholicism has a very rich worship history. It takes a little getting used to but the depth and mystery of the Catholic Mass is fulfilling and spiritually enriching. We’ll be happy to hold your hand and guide you through the process!

Many non-Catholics have heard that Catholics don’t believe in the Bible. Nothing can be further from the truth. Each mass actually has three scripture readings! We have Wednesday Bible Studies and Sunday adult education.

In truth, the Catholic Mass is something that needs to be experienced.  If you are seeking “something deeper”, or your life in Christ has somehow grown dry, and you are looking to reengage your heart, Catholicism may be as fulfilling for you as it is for us!

That’s the short and sweet of it. But you may want to know more. If so, we urge you to read What is the ECC?

PS: Our founding Pastor was not raised Catholic, but American Baptist!

I’m not a church goer. I’m spiritual, not religious.

Our friends that feel “I’m spiritual, not religious” are often meaning “I know there’s more to life and existence than what my eyes can see. I don’t need to belong to an institution or have some person tell me what to believe”. We feel that way too!

We have formed a community that seeks to understand our place in the universe in relationship with God. We have found that the practices, the mystery, and the spiritual depth of 2000 years of Christian development, lead to a very rich path offering a fulfilling relationship with God and with our fellow creatures.

Saint Matthew is an Ecumenical Catholic Church. “Ecumenical” basically means “all are welcome”.   Whatever your beliefs, wherever the path of life has taken you, you are welcome if you are seeking more.

We are called “Catholic” (or “universal”) because we base our worship practices and priorities on those of the earliest Christian communities that have come down through time to us today.  And because we are independent of Roman Catholicism, we are free of the mandates of the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope. Although we offer no ill will and seek communion with all communities of faith, that means we are truly welcoming to all.

St. Matts is a community that needs to be experienced.  If you are seeking “something deeper”  or your life has somehow grown dry and you are looking to reengage your heart, our hope is that the spiritual practices and communion we share may be as fulfilling for you as for us!

Want to know more?  If so we urge you to read What is the ECC? But more important—just come and see.

Upcoming Events

Sun20Oct(Oct 20)9:00 amSee's Candies Fundraiser | Recaudación de fondos de See's Chocolates9:00 am

Wed23Oct6:00 pmBible Study for 2023 | And God Said What? Surveying the Entire BibleWednesdays until 12/20/23 at the "House of Ruth and Junia" (and Zoom)6:00 pm

Sun27OctAll DayYour "Lucky Time"(All Day: Sunday)

Sun27OctAll DaySunday Masses In Person Indoors and Live Via VideoEvery Sunday at the 9:30 am and 12:30 pm Masses (or at 10:30 am when we have the Unity Mass)(All Day: Sunday)

Fri01Nov6:00 pmSacred Heart of Jesus Novena MassEvery first Friday of the month at 6:00 pm PT6:00 pm

Sat02Nov12:00 am2024 "Your Lucky Time" Raffle12:00 am

Sun03Nov8:30 amPriests Available to Hear Confessions8:30 am

Tue05Nov7:00 pmHealing Service7:00 pm

Tue12Nov6:30 pmParish Council Meeting2nd Tue. of each month6:30 pm

Fri15Nov6:30 pmDivine Mercy Chaplet6:30 pm

Sunday Services:
9:30 a.m. - English Mass
12:00 p.m. - Spanish Mass
In Person (All Services) + Online via Facebook Live (English Mass only)