April 2020

This is a repeating event

Mon27Apr7:00 pmBible StudyMondays on Zoom hosted by Mo. Martha7:00 pm


(Monday) 7:00 pm

Event Details

Watch past videos and download handouts at our Bible Study Media page.

Join live on Zoom

Visit https://zoom.us/j/874010272?pwd=T0x2SlhocUNqOGxDRjdobWR4WEt0UT09
Meeting ID: 874010272
Password: 169604

Join the Saint Matthew Bible Study group on Facebook

Search for “Saint Matthew Bible Study” or visit facebook.com/groups/2790944940960983/. The group is open to Saint Matthew members and anyone else from all over the world who would like to participate.


Scripture as a meal for the soul: Psalm 23

This study will begin on Monday, 7 PM, July 6th and run for 15 weeks. Sessions will be only 20-30 minutes in length. There will be a set of handouts posted on Facebook and on the Saint Matthew Bible Study Media page.

Scripture is like a meal, best savored in small bites, and slowly chewed and consumed in order to fully savor its nuances of flavor — stretch your thinking and expand your spirit as you spend time alone or to share with others. We will talk about Psalm 23 phrase by phrase, and provided several translations and interpretations, both from Jewish as well as Christian sources. We will cover just one phrase per week – try it at whatever pace or intensity you think is good.

Sunday Services:
9:30 a.m. - English Mass
12:00 p.m. - Spanish Mass
In Person (All Services) + Online via Facebook Live (English Mass only)