January 2021
This is a repeating eventDecember 27, 2020 12:00 amJanuary 10, 2021 12:00 am
All Day (Sunday)
Event Details
St. Matthew’s Social Justice and Outreach ministry will begin collecting food and toiletry donations weekly at the 9:30 am and 12:30 pm masses, or at 10:30am on Sundays when we
Event Details
St. Matthew’s Social Justice and Outreach ministry will begin collecting food and toiletry donations weekly at the 9:30 am and 12:30 pm masses, or at 10:30am on Sundays when we have a Unity mass. Donations can be left at the church door closest to the outdoor-mass tent. Donations needed include healthy canned and dried food, toiletries, sanitizing and cleaning supplies, diapers (adult and children) and baby wipes. This collection supports working-poor families of our community and is distributed by Western Service Workers Association of Santa Ana.
- Fr. Art will take pictures of all donations and pass them on to appropriate members of the PC.
- Fr. Art will work with volunteers from the 12:30 mass to assure donations are dropped off at WSWA in a timely manner.
- In the event there’s a Sunday without volunteers for drop off, Fr. Art will place donations in the confessional until we can find time/volunteers for drop off.
A Little Information About WSWA
Western Service Workers Association (WSWA) is a free and voluntary, private, unincorporated membership association which operates on an all-volunteer basis and does not accept government funds. WSWA serves Orange County’s lowest paid workers; domestic workers, temporary and part-time workers, “workfare” workers, independent contractors, landscapers, and other low-paid service workers.
WSWA members join together to provide a means of survival through a benefit program including emergency food and clothing, non-emergency dental care, preventative medical care, job information and more. To help please call 714-835-9961.
Special Request from WSWA: Western Service Workers Association needs volunteers with cars to help pick up and distribute food donations to hungry people in need who don’t drive. Days/times they need help with include Fridays at around 10:30 am and Sunday mornings to pick up perishable food (no later than 10:30 or 11:00 am) and other volunteers to deliver food to hungry folks in the community Sundays 12-3 pm. Even if people can volunteer once in a while, not necessarily every Sunday, that is helpful. Distribution is done in a no-contact manner. If you can help, please contact WSWA at 714-835-9961.