March 2021
March 7 (Sunday) 9:30 am - April 25 (Sunday) 3:00 pm
Saint Matthew Ecumenical Catholic Church (Office Lobby)
Event Details
[Update – 5/2/21] Congratulations we did it, we exceeded our goal of 2500 pounds of soft goods. We collected 3193 pounds of soft goods that netted Saint Matthew’s $ 638.60. A
Event Details
[Update – 5/2/21] Congratulations we did it, we exceeded our goal of 2500 pounds of soft goods. We collected 3193 pounds of soft goods that netted Saint Matthew’s $ 638.60.
A bit Thank You to everyone who contributed to this fundraiser. A special Thank You to everyone who showed on Saturday May 1st to to load up a 15′ rental truck.
Thank you the Community Life and Fundraising Committee!
Instead of giving up something for Lent this year…
Why not try the 40 DAYS – 40 ITEMS CHALLENGE?
Each day of Lent, remove one item or more from your closet or house, which you don’t use or wear anymore and place it in a bag.
Every Sunday from March 7th through April 25th, we will be collecting “soft items.” Why? Because we can get money for them for our operating expenses!
Bring bagged items to the designated area in the Church Office Lobby. These items are tax deductible and receipt will be available upon request.
Examples of needed items:
- Used clothes
- Linens
- Sheets
- Towels
- Tablecloths
- Hats
- Scarves
- Shoes
- Purses
- Backpacks
To reach our goal of $500.00, we’ll need approximately 110 Large Plastic Bags or 275 Kitchen Plastic Bags.
Please contact the Community Life and Fundraising committee with any questions at
Thank you!