
Announcements and Reflections and Vignettes from Our Parish

We are open for public services and liturgies, and will continue to broadcast the Mass online via Facebook. Stay up to date by visiting our homepage, our Facebook page or joining our email list.

Seasons of Joy by Eileen A. Smith

About the Author Eileen A. Smith was born in 1917 on a 98-acre farm in Middle Town, Missouri. She was the youngest of seven children, and came to live with her older sister in Southern California in the mid 30’s, married and raised three children, including Mother Diane Smith and…

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A Letter From Bishop Peter and Father Arturo – New COVID-19 Update

Dear beloved members of Saint Matthew’s, We hope all of you are doing well despite the pandemic and continue to pray for all of you while we wait for the day that we can all gather together again. We appreciate all of you that continue to celebrate Mass with us…

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Bees at Midnight: Swimming Upstream by Mother Diane

Bees at Midnight is a compilation of reflections during Mother Diane’s twelve-week internship on a farm in Oregon while on her journey to becoming a priest. This collection of short stories captures her beautiful experience and candid musings. We have shared one story a week, and this story completes the…

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Bees at Midnight: Fancy That by Mother Diane

Bees at Midnight is a compilation of reflections during Mother Diane’s twelve-week internship on a farm in Oregon while on her journey to becoming a priest. This collection of short stories captures her beautiful experience and candid musings. In the coming weeks we will share one short story each week….

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Bees at Midnight: Bees at Midnight by Mother Diane

Bees at Midnight is a compilation of reflections during Mother Diane’s twelve-week internship on a farm in Oregon while on her journey to becoming a priest. This collection of short stories captures her beautiful experience and candid musings. In the coming weeks we will share one short story each week….

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Upcoming Events

Sat08Mar(Mar 8)12:00 amSee's Candies Easter Fundraiser (2025)12:00 am

Sun09MarAll DayCrunchy vs. Creamy | Peanut Butter Drive | 2025Who will win?(All Day)

Sun30MarAll Day2025 New Year Resolution Drawing(All Day: Sunday)

Sun30MarAll DaySunday Masses In Person Indoors and Live Via VideoEvery Sunday at the 9:30 am and 12:30 pm Masses (or at 10:30 am when we have the Unity Mass)(All Day: Sunday)

Tue01Apr7:00 pmHealing Service7:00 pm

Fri04Apr6:00 pmSacred Heart of Jesus Novena MassEvery first Friday of the month at 6:00 pm PT6:00 pm

Sun06Apr8:30 amPriests Available to Hear Confessions8:30 am

Tue08Apr6:30 pmParish Council Meeting2nd Tue. of each month6:30 pm

Sun13AprAll DayHoly Week 2025Please join us! See full description for specific dates and times.(All Day: Sunday) PDT

Fri18Apr6:30 pmDivine Mercy Chaplet6:30 pm

Sunday Services:
9:30 a.m. - English Mass
12:00 p.m. - Spanish Mass
In Person (All Services) + Online via Facebook Live (English Mass only)