Understanding – A Gift of the Holy Spirit by Br. Christopher

June 12, 2021

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“Happy the one who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding! Her profit is better than profit in silver, and better than gold is her revenue.” Proverbs 3:13-14
“He said, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you; but to other I speak in parables so that ‘though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.” Luke 8:10

The understanding Jesus offers his followers is not the understanding of this world; which Jesus calls a hearer of parables but he offers us knowledge and understanding of His very heart; Jesus, Our Savior and Lord. This understanding is offered as a gift when we become his friend and disciple, by spending time listening to his words and laws and following them in our lives. With grace and the Holy Spirit, when we enter into this relationship, Jesus reveals himself with an understanding; which “profits better than silver and gold.”

There is no better example for us than St Francis, who prayed before the San Damiano Cross: “Fill me with understanding and knowledge that I may fulfill your command.” St Francis desired to know and understand with all his being the heart of Jesus and exactly what it felt like for Jesus to suffer the pain of crucifixion for the salvation of the world. God saw in the little humble man of Assisi a true friend, a heart and a life that was worthy to share this gift of understanding Francis longed for. The gift Francis received was the stigmata, the very wounds from the cross of Christ became part of his body; his hands, his feet his side. By sharing in Christ’s crucifixion Francis entered into the open heart of Jesus and received an understanding no one had ever been given before in history. When people saw that Francis was a new person by following Christ, they desired to understand the source of his transformation and to follow him.

So, let’s ask ourselves are we people that only seek out the parables; where we look but do not see, hear but do not understand or do we seek to know the heart and love of God and serve Him with every fiber of our being that is reflected in our lives; of knowing and understanding what God desires of us.

“For the LORD gives wisdom, from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” Proverbs 2:6

I hope you are having a good day.

Br Christopher

Upcoming Events

Sun20Oct(Oct 20)9:00 amSee's Candies Fundraiser | Recaudación de fondos de See's Chocolates(October 20) 9:00 am

Sun24NovAll DayYour "Lucky Time"(All Day: Sunday)

Sun24NovAll DaySunday Masses In Person Indoors and Live Via VideoEvery Sunday at the 9:30 am and 12:30 pm Masses (or at 10:30 am when we have the Unity Mass)(All Day: Sunday)

Wed27Nov6:00 pmBible Study for 2023 | And God Said What? Surveying the Entire BibleWednesdays until 12/20/23 at the "House of Ruth and Junia" (and Zoom)6:00 pm

Sun01DecAll DayRaise Right Funding for the Holidays!(All Day: Sunday)

Sun01Dec8:30 amPriests Available to Hear Confessions8:30 am

Mon02Dec12:00 am2024 "Your Lucky Time" Raffle12:00 am

Tue03Dec7:00 pmHealing Service7:00 pm

Fri06Dec6:00 pmSacred Heart of Jesus Novena MassEvery first Friday of the month at 6:00 pm PT6:00 pm

Tue10Dec6:30 pmParish Council Meeting2nd Tue. of each month6:30 pm

Fri20Dec6:30 pmDivine Mercy Chaplet6:30 pm

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9:30 a.m. - English Mass
12:00 p.m. - Spanish Mass
In Person (All Services) + Online via Facebook Live (English Mass only)