
Announcements and Reflections and Vignettes from Our Parish

We are open for public services and liturgies, and will continue to broadcast the Mass online via Facebook. Stay up to date by visiting our homepage, our Facebook page or joining our email list.

Carta de obispo Peter y el padre Arturo – 4 de diciembre de 2022

For the English translation of this letter, click here. Saludos amados miembros de la Iglesia Católica Ecuménical San Mateo. Jesús comenzó su misión llamando a discípulos que serían formados en un equipo de colaboradores. Jesús dijo: “Edificaré mi Iglesia …” La forma en que Jesús construyó Su Iglesia fue mediante la…

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Letter from Bishop Peter and Father Arturo – December 4, 2022

For the Spanish translation of this letter, click here. Greetings beloved members of Saint Matthew Ecumenical Catholic Church, Jesus began His mission by calling disciples who would be formed into a team of co-workers. Jesus said, “I will build my Church…” The way that Jesus built His Church was through the willing…

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The Lent of My Life by Meredythe Hutchinson

Over the course of six weeks one summer, I came from death back into life. Six weeks – exactly the same length of time as Lent. I don’t think that was a coincidence. I had been in a very dark place prior to those six weeks. The prior year had…

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Announcement from Bishop Peter

Dear Brothers, Sisters, and Friends of Saint Matthew Church, I am pleased to announce to everyone that our church has survived the COVID-19 pandemic and, once again, Saint Matthew Church will be open for public services and liturgies beginning in July 2021. Sunday Mass will continue to be celebrated in…

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Fleeting Fireflies by Meredythe Hutchinson

Heat rises. Unfortunately. So tonight I find myself on the balcony of my second story apartment since the air outside is much cooler than the air within. My optometrist would scold me, for the setting sun’s light is too dim for writing. And yet, I feel compelled to write because…

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Upcoming Events

Sat08Mar(Mar 8)12:00 amSee's Candies Easter Fundraiser (2025)12:00 am

Sun09MarAll DayCrunchy vs. Creamy | Peanut Butter Drive | 2025Who will win?(All Day)

Sun30MarAll Day2025 New Year Resolution Drawing(All Day: Sunday)

Sun30MarAll DaySunday Masses In Person Indoors and Live Via VideoEvery Sunday at the 9:30 am and 12:30 pm Masses (or at 10:30 am when we have the Unity Mass)(All Day: Sunday)

Tue01Apr7:00 pmHealing Service7:00 pm

Fri04Apr6:00 pmSacred Heart of Jesus Novena MassEvery first Friday of the month at 6:00 pm PT6:00 pm

Sun06Apr8:30 amPriests Available to Hear Confessions8:30 am

Tue08Apr6:30 pmParish Council Meeting2nd Tue. of each month6:30 pm

Sun13AprAll DayHoly Week 2025Please join us! See full description for specific dates and times.(All Day: Sunday) PDT

Fri18Apr6:30 pmDivine Mercy Chaplet6:30 pm

Sunday Services:
9:30 a.m. - English Mass
12:00 p.m. - Spanish Mass
In Person (All Services) + Online via Facebook Live (English Mass only)